My husband is my best friend. He is a loving father and a committed follower of Christ. However, it was not always that way. For …

one moment at a time
one moment at a time
My husband is my best friend. He is a loving father and a committed follower of Christ. However, it was not always that way. For …
When facing a difficult situation, I will think way too much if I allow myself. Like many, I overthink, analyzing a problem from 70 different …
I was pregnant with my fifth child, and my husband was gone. We had separated several months before, and I was drowning in loneliness. I …
God never promised us that His path would be an easy one. In fact, unlike what some would have you believe, the path that leads to …
The reality that we are fully loved by an all-powerful, all-knowing, all-seeing, perfect God can be more than many of us can grasp. We struggle …
“That’s why my cup is running over. This is the assigned moment for him to move into the center, while I slip off to the …
I’d begun to wonder why my home life felt so – blah. I’d spent more time on distractions and time-wasters (hello, iPhone games, you know …
Waiting on intervention or provision from God can sometimes seem like fishing in a sole, small pond of a vast unending desert – heartbreakingly desperate, …
When I was little, I asked my friends to keep their word with the precious pinky promise. The pinky promise was an outward sign from …
I remember playing a game with my mother when I was little. “How much do you love me?” I would ask. With a knowing smile, …