Embracing Him Featured

He Loves Me Thisssss Much

I remember playing a game with my mother when I was little. “How much do you love me?” I would ask. With a knowing smile, she stretched her arms as wide as possible and took a deep breath. Then finally, she would say, “I love you thiisssssss much.” Happily, I would erupt in a cascade of giggles. Running up to those waiting arms, I would throw my little ones around her tightly. I basked in her love as she scooped me up and wrapped me in.

It was a good game.

As I ponder this game, I am reminded of my Savior and His love for me. Though vast, pure, and wonderful, my mother’s love is selfish compared to my Lord’s.

How much does He love me?

He looked along the forward timeline of what would be history and realized that despite my best attempts, I would fail to meet the requirements of His righteousness. So mercifully, He decided that He would have to accomplish what I could not.

He knew I could never walk in holiness while separate from Him. So He prepared a way for He and I to be reconciled. He also provided His Spirit to dwell within me.

Despite the sin, He knew I would commit; He prepared a place for me with Him in eternity.

He adopted me and made me an heir – with Christ!

He bestowed upon me the honor of suffering with my Savior so that I might be rewarded by being glorified with my Savior.

He has prepared a perfect heavenly body for me.

He is so concerned with caring for me in my weakness that He ensures my prayers will be answered. When I am at an utter loss regarding how to pray, His Spirit intercedes for me according to His will.

His Son, who is at His right hand, also intercedes for me.

He works all things for my good.

Before humans existed, He predestined me to be called.

He called me to be justified.

He justified me so that I might be glorified.

God graciously gives me all things. Share on X

He dares anyone to come against me. They cannot even bring a charge against me. Though I may be tried, though I may be afraid, though I may be persecuted, though I may be without, though I may be shamed, though I may face harm, though I may be attacked –

I will be triumphant because of His love.

And nothing-

Not death

Nor life

Or things unseen or seen

Not my present

Nor my past

Or my future

Nor those with authority

Or power

Nor my victories

Or my failures


Or no one

Will ever

Separate me from His love.

Nothing can separate me from God's love. Share on X

Furthermore, though I have not seen Him, I set my hope upon Him. And I wait with expectancy

and patience.

Because His arms are wide enough to hold everything that has ever been, is, or will be.

And He loves me thissssssssss much.

He loves you the same.

*Adapted from Romans 8

For prayer on today’s topic, visit Daily Hope & Prayer.


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