Embracing Him Featured

Passionate, Generous, Relentless Love

One day, I received a life-changing revelation. For years I thought that I already knew it. And then it began to radically change my life.

Jesus loves me.

But, it’s not the warm and fuzzy, albeit unconditional, brotherly love, that I once imagined. Instead,

His love leaves me dizzy. Share on X

Jesus longs for me. I belong to Him. His love for me is not the cool, listless love of a far off God. No,

Christ’s love relentlessly pursues me.

I am His handiwork, chosen before the creation of the world, fearfully and wonderfully made. I am His special possession. I am completely enamored of the love of Christ, and I find my soul calling out “I am my beloved’s, and his desire is toward me!” (Song of Solomon 7:10)

Jesus loves me Passionately.

I am precious to Him.

When you love something the way that Christ loves me, You do not lose it. When you love someone that way that Christ love me, You will give Your life to protect her.

And He did.

His love encompasses me on every side. And nothing or no one can separate me from it. He cares for me deeply, and His provision surpasses the physical and follows me into eternity. Because He loves me, He ensured that I would be cared for, and so His Spirit remains with me.

Not only does He love me, but He desires to lavish me with His love.

Indeed, He desires to show me immeasurable riches of His grace – IMMEASURABLE.

He is attentive to me. I never have to wonder if He notices me, or whether He sees me, because, He sees all of me. From the minutest detail of my appearance, to the furthest inner-depths of my heart, my Lord knows me.

I don’t have to anxiously clamor for His approval or His affection. I have surrendered to His love, and He is pleased with me.

He is pleased with me.

He is intimately familiar with me. I am not here by happenstance. He intentionally formed and designed me. He knows me, and has known me since before I was conceived. He knows my strengths. He knows my weaknesses. He sees my victories. He sees my mess, and still He has plans to use me.

He has a purpose for my life!

His love for me is ever-faithful. In fact, unlike the love of man, His love is everlasting.

He refuses to give up on me. When I stray, He is jealous for me, and will not allow me to be taken from Him. Ever. He does not focus on my faults or my past.

His love is so generous, that He paid my debts before I knew Him.

He watched me longingly from afar, long before I loved Him. He keeps every one of His promises. He is reliable, trustworthy and true, and having already made provision for my future, He will bring it to pass.

Jesus’ love is perfect and without flaw.

And because of His loveI we have

overwhelming, overflowing, unfailing, grace-covered, mercy-spawned, oh-so-wonderful


For further study: Psalm 139:13-16, Ephesians 2:4-9, Psalm 147,11; Jeremiah 1:5, Romans 8:35-39, 1 John 3:1


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